Thursday 2 June 2011

How To Store Your Champagne : Lovescotch

Champagne is one of the most popular liquor of the world. And because it is so much demanded and consumed by the people all over the world, its storage has become a topic of prominent discussion and use. The subject of champagne storage is dealt in two parts:
1.      Before opening the storage.
2.      After opening the storage.

Champagne Storage- Before Opening
Assume that you have just purchase your favorite variety of champagne bottle from an online liquor store or by going to your nearest liquor store. After receiving the delivery, you have the bottle in your hand. Now what?  How should we store it the right way? Actually the main part  of Champagne bottles storage, which you should keep in mind,  is that the bottle should be kept on its side. Keeping a bottle upright for a very long time can reduce its consistency and can also decrease its fizz factor.

Apart from the position of the bottle, its place is also very important. The temperature of the place where you keep your bottle of champagne is also very important Keep your champagne bottle in a room where the temperature is cool, with no access to direct sunlight. And if it is impossible to keep your champagne bottle at a dark place, or you have no place to prevent the bottle of champagne to meet the direct sunlight, then the best thing is to wrap the bottle in a dark and wet cloth. Ideally, the champagne should be kept at a place with 55-60 degrees Fahrenheit temperature, and if the temperature increases more than 75 degrees, it should be removed from that place. And it should also be made sure that the temperature in that room should not fluctuate too much. You should not refrigerate temperature more than two or three days before its intended to use. And if you have to use the champagne bottle immediately, then you should either develop a taste for warmer champagne or you could use ice to make it cold.

Champagne Storage- After Popping the Cork
Assume that you had used champagne to serve in your party. After the party is over, you are left with the remaining champagne. Well, it gets slightly more depressing because sticking that cork back in the bottle can be very difficult. There are many tricks to put the cork back in the bottle. But the best way to do that is by having a bottle sealer on hand. There are many different types of pressure bottle sealer out there with the general idea of pressure holding cap covering the opening of the bottle to make sure that no air goes within the bottle of champagne and spoils it.

But if you don’t want to go through all these hassles, then there is another other option, which is doing nothing at all. Recently, scientists have came to know that storing an open bottle of champagne in the refrigerator, without any cover or cork, works better than storing champagne in any other way.
So as you can see, storing a bottle of champagne before opening it carries a lot of rules to follow. On the other hand, storing an open bottle of left over champagne carries no rules at all.
So, by taking the adequate and proper steps to store your favorite bottle of champagne would let you enjoy it the way it was meant to be.

 To purchase champagne for every kind  of best quality at affordable prices, visit or click champagne.

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