Tuesday 14 June 2011

Watermelon And Vodka : Recipe for Toned Smooth Face

As the summers progress, we all get worried about our skin. We purchase a lot of expensive creams and lotions in order to protect our skin from harsh summers. But, if you really want to get that smooth skin, without spending huge bucks, then all you have to do is to use watermelon and Best vodka.
Though, watermelon juice alone can help a lot to keep your skin fit and fine in summers. But, there is a much better way to get that perfect glow on your face this summer. And that is by using Watermelon- Vodka face toner.
Yes, you heard it right. Watermelon- Vodka drinks toner not just smooths your skin in summers but also tones it.
From the name itself, you can easily guess out that toners help a lot in getting a smooth and silky face.  Using a good facial toner is recommended by every skin specialists, and you should make it your daily habit especially as we age, as this helps in reducing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines on your face. It also helps to close the pores of your face, resulting in glowing and smooth skin.
And while reading the heading of this article, you might have thought that there are “n” numbers of toners available in the market, then why should one go for this particular toner. This is because of the fact that the ingredients of various face toners available in the market are harsh and can actually dry your skin instead of making it smooth and soft.
The Amazing Benefits of Watermelon...and Vodka?
To smooth your skin and give it that extra glow this summer, watermelon juice is the best way. Did you know that watermelon (as a drink and as a beauty remedy) is wonderful for making the skin smooth and soft?
This amazing fruit can remove all the blemishes from the skin, thus, making it fresh, smooth and lovely. And if you are scared of sunburns, then you should apply chilled watermelon slices in order to get instant relief.
Now let’s talk about what Vodka can do to tackle summer heat. This drink is wonderful and has so many household and healing properties! You can use vodka to smooth your face, (just moisten a cotton with vodka and apply all over your face) tightens your face pores, and glows your skin! Vodka is so awesome for the hair as it can clean your scalp, removes toxins from your hair and helps in healthy growth of hair! There are so many amazing uses of Vodka, and when it comes to your face, vodka can do wonders with it.
So, you can see, as both vodka and watermelon juice are so good for your face, then why should we go for any readymade toners (available in the market)? So, here is the recipe for Watermelon Vodka toner, which would not just bring glow on your face but would also make it smooth and soft. Remember, skin toning should be done only after your skin has been completely cleansed. Enjoy!
2 tbsp. fresh watermelon juice
1 tbsp. Vodka
2 tbsp. distilled water
1. Extract the juice of watermelon.
2. Add the water and vodka to your watermelon juice.
3. Dip cotton into your toner and apply all over your face.
4. Rinse your face with warm water.

1 comment:

  1. That's really cool! I thought watermelon is just something that is really delicious to eat in the summer. Luckily, I found your blog. Thanks for this really helpful toner!

    Basset Certification
